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How to overcome jet lag when traveling?

How to overcome jet lag when traveling?



Jet lag is actually the "little alarm clock" in your body that gets messed up when you quickly cross time zones. This little alarm clock controls your sleep, eating, and wakefulness. So once it gets messed up, you may feel extremely sleepy during the day, but energetic at night, and you may also feel uncomfortable in your stomach and mood.

1. Adjust your work and rest schedule in advance

Before traveling, start adjusting your work and rest schedule to adapt your body to the rhythm of the destination in advance. In this way, when jet lag comes, you will not be so uncomfortable.

2. Drink more water and avoid alcohol and coffee

Water is very important, especially when flying. Alcohol and coffee will only make you feel worse, so try to avoid them.

3. Get a good night's sleep

A good night's sleep will help your body cope with jet lag better. Make sure you get a good night's sleep before flying. If the flight time happens to be at night, try to sleep on the plane.

4. Move around, don't sit all the time

Don't forget to get up and walk around when flying. When you arrive at your destination, walk outdoors more and do some simple exercises, such as walking or stretching.

5. Medication or supplements? Ask your doctor first

Things like melatonin may help you deal with jet lag, but everyone's situation is different, so it's best to ask your doctor before using it.

6. Adjust to the local time as soon as possible

Once you arrive at your destination, eat, sleep, and wake up according to the local time. Do this even if you're not very hungry or very awake.

Jet lag is annoying, but it's not impossible to deal with. Follow the above methods and you will be able to easily deal with jet lag and enjoy a wonderful trip! Everyone's situation is different, so be patient and find the method that works best for you!

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