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How to clean your house for pet-raising families!

How to clean your house for pet-raising families!



Hey, pet parents! Do you feel like your home is full of fur, paw prints, and scattered chew toys, like a small zoo? Haha, don't worry, today I'm here to give you some tips on how to keep your home clean and organized while enjoying the fun time with your pet.

Fur Factor

First, let's talk about the fur problem. Do you have a "hair-shedding monster" at home? Every time you see the hair on the sofa, carpet, or even in the food, you feel upset, right? Don't worry, there is a magic tool called "comb". Combing your pet's hair every day will greatly reduce the hair floating in the air! As for the fur that has fallen on the furniture, a hair roller or rubber gloves can easily deal with it.

Annoying paw prints

Let's talk about the paw print problem. When pets run in from outside, their little paws are dirty and it's easy to make a mess at home. What to do? Put a towel at the door and train them to wipe their paws when they enter the door, so that the house can be kept clean! Of course, this takes a little time and patience to train them.

Chew Toy Mess

Next up is the mess of chew toys. Your pets are having fun, but your home is a mess. Don’t rush, buy them a special basket or box to store their toys! This will not only keep your home tidy, but also make it easier for your pets to find their favorite toys.

Accidents Happen

Of course, pets will occasionally cause little accidents, such as staining the carpet or knocking things over. This is when you need to clean up quickly, otherwise it will become more and more difficult to deal with. For stains on carpets, you can use a pet-specific cleaner; for stains on hard surfaces, a mixture of vinegar and water can easily get rid of them.

Pet Proofing

Finally, there is pet proofing! Think of it like a guardrail for babies, but this time it is prepared for pets. Cover furniture with covers to prevent scratches from hair and claws; keep fragile items out of reach of pets; and don’t forget to keep cleaning products out of reach and smell of pets to prevent them from accidentally ingesting or touching them out of curiosity.

OK, OK! Having said all that, in fact, as long as everyone pays a little attention, you can live in harmony with your pets at home! Using these strategies will not only keep your home clean and tidy, but also make your pets happier and more comfortable! Come on, pet parents! I wish you and your pets a happy and joyful life every day!

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