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Nanny Selection Tips



Hello everyone! If you're reading this, there's a good chance you're embarking on the great, bold, and somewhat daunting journey of finding a nanny. Finding the perfect person to take care of your little one can feel like finding a needle in a haystack. But don't worry, I've got your back. Let's talk about some top tips that can help you find your own Mary Poppins.

Know Your Needs

Before you start your search, take a moment to figure out what you need. Part-time or full-time? Live-in or live-out? Someone who can help with homework or a nanny who can drive? Make a list of your non-negotiables. This will help you narrow your search and find the nanny who's the best fit for your family.

Do Your Homework

Don't just rely on a fancy resume. Do your homework—and I mean, really dig deep. Check references thoroughly. Ask about the nanny's reliability, parenting skills, punctuality, and how they handle emergencies. Doing a little detective work ahead of time can save you from potential headaches later on.

Trust Your Instincts

First impressions are important, but so are second and third impressions. Pay attention to how the nanny interacts with your child. Do they make an effort to engage with them? Do your child seem comfortable around them? Trust your parental instincts—they’re usually right.

Communication is key

Clear, open communication is the cornerstone of a good nanny-parent relationship. Discuss your parenting philosophies, routines, and your expectations for the nanny’s role. Make sure you’re on the same page about discipline, nutrition, screen time, and other important issues.

Experience isn’t all that matters

While experience is important, it’s not the be-all and end-all. A nanny may have years of experience but not necessarily fit in well with your family. Personality, values, and attitudes are often just as important. Remember, skills can be learned, but personality and character cannot.

Check their background

A background check can provide additional assurance. It can provide insight into the nanny’s history and verify the details they provide. Remember, this person will be caring for your most valuable asset, so it’s worth investing in this step.

Trial run

Before making a final decision, consider doing a trial run. This will give you a chance to see how the nanny interacts with your children in your absence, as well as how they handle daily routines and any unexpected situations that arise.


Once you’ve found your potential Mary Poppins, it’s time to get everything in writing. Create a nanny contract that outlines duties, pay, time off, and any house rules. It helps keep everyone accountable and ensures a harmonious relationship.

There you have it, folks. Your guide to finding the perfect nanny. Remember, this process takes time, and it’s okay to be picky. After all, you’re entrusting this person with your children. Keep these tips in mind, trust your instincts, and you’ll find the right nanny for your family in no time. Good luck!

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