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Indoor plants that absorb formaldehyde: improve air quality

Indoor plants that absorb formaldehyde: improve air quality



Formaldehyde is a common indoor air pollutant, mainly from building materials, furniture, carpets and some household products. Long-term exposure to formaldehyde environment can have adverse effects on human health, such as irritating the respiratory tract, causing headaches, eye discomfort, and even cancer. Therefore, the improvement of indoor air quality has become an important topic of concern. Among the many solutions, using plants to absorb formaldehyde is an economical, environmentally friendly and beautiful way.

1. The principle of formaldehyde absorption

Plants absorb formaldehyde mainly through photosynthesis and stomata on the surface of leaves. During photosynthesis, plants absorb carbon dioxide and release oxygen through stomata, and also absorb harmful gases such as formaldehyde. Studies have shown that some plants can not only absorb formaldehyde through leaves, but also convert formaldehyde into harmless compounds through substances secreted by the root system.

2. Common plants that absorb formaldehyde

Aloe vera

Aloe vera is not only a well-known skin care plant, but also has a strong ability to absorb formaldehyde. It has a good purification effect on formaldehyde, benzene and carbon monoxide in the air. At the same time, aloe vera is easy to maintain. Just place it in a well-lit location and maintain proper humidity.


Chlorophytum is recognized as one of the best air purifiers. It can absorb harmful substances such as formaldehyde, benzene, ammonia in the air, and grows quickly and reproduces easily, making it very suitable for indoor planting. Chlorophytum has low environmental requirements. Just keep the soil moist and water it properly.

Tiger Tail Orchid

Tiger Tail Orchid, also known as Tiger Pilan, is another plant that absorbs formaldehyde strongly. It has a significant absorption effect on harmful gases such as formaldehyde, benzene, and trichloroethylene. Tiger Tail Orchid likes light, but can also adapt to low-light environments, making it very suitable for placement in the living room or bedroom.


Ivy is a climbing plant that has a good absorption effect on harmful gases such as formaldehyde, benzene, and trichloroethylene. Ivy is highly adaptable, shade-tolerant, and drought-tolerant. It is suitable for hanging by the window or placing on the bookshelf. It is not only beautiful, but also effectively purifies the air.


Pothos is a very popular indoor plant, not only because of its beautiful leaves, but also because of its excellent air purification ability. Pothos can absorb a variety of harmful gases such as formaldehyde, benzene, and xylene. Pothos is highly adaptable and likes a humid environment. Just keep the soil moist and avoid direct sunlight.

3. How to choose suitable plants

When choosing plants that absorb formaldehyde, you can consider the following points:

Space size: Choose suitable plants according to the size of the room. Larger rooms can choose plants that grow quickly and cover a large area, such as Pothos and Chlorophytum, while small rooms can choose small plants such as Aloe vera and Tiger tail orchid.

Light conditions: Understand the light requirements of the plants and choose suitable plants according to the indoor light conditions. For example, Aloe vera and Tiger tail orchid are suitable for places with sufficient light, while ivy and Pothos can adapt to low-light environments.

Difficulty of maintenance: Choose suitable plants according to your time and energy. Generally speaking, plants such as Chlorophytum, Pothos and Ivy are simple to maintain and suitable for busy people.

4. Tips for plant care

Watering in moderation: Most indoor plants prefer a humid environment, but excessive watering can cause root rot. Therefore, pay attention to the right amount of watering and avoid water accumulation.

Regular pruning: Plants need to be pruned regularly during growth to remove yellow leaves and promote the growth of new leaves, while also maintaining the beauty of the plants.

Avoid direct sunlight: Although some plants like light, direct sunlight can burn the leaves. It is recommended to place the plants in scattered light or shade them appropriately when the sun is strong.

Regular soil changes: Long-term use of the same pot soil will lead to a decrease in nutrients in the soil and affect plant growth. It is recommended to change the soil and supplement nutrients for the plants every once in a while.

By reasonably selecting and maintaining plants that absorb formaldehyde, it can not only effectively improve indoor air quality, but also increase indoor greenery, adding vitality and beauty to the home environment. However, it should be noted that the effect of plants in purifying air is limited and cannot completely replace other air purification measures. In order to achieve better air quality improvement effects, it is recommended to adopt a combination of methods, such as increasing ventilation, using air purifiers, etc., to jointly create a healthy and fresh indoor environment.

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