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Hydroponic planting basics: how to grow hydroponic plants at home

Hydroponic planting basics: how to grow hydroponic plants at home



With the increasing awareness of environmental protection and health, more and more people are starting to grow their own vegetables and flowers at home. Hydroponic planting has gradually become a new favorite for home gardening due to its advantages such as cleanliness, water saving and high efficiency. So, how to grow hydroponic plants at home? This article will give you a detailed introduction to the basics and operation steps of hydroponic planting.

What is hydroponic planting?

Hydroponic planting, also known as soilless cultivation, refers to a cultivation method in which the roots of plants are placed in a nutrient solution and the plants are grown through the supply of water and nutrient solution. Hydroponic planting is different from traditional soil cultivation. It does not require soil and can more accurately control the water and nutrients required by plants, thereby increasing the growth rate and yield of plants.

Advantages of hydroponic planting

Save water resources: The water in the hydroponic system can be recycled, which is more water-saving than traditional soil cultivation.

No soil pollution: It avoids pests and diseases and heavy metal pollution in the soil, making plants grow healthier.

Fast growth: Since the nutrient solution can directly provide the nutrients needed by the plant, the plant grows faster.

Space saving: Hydroponic planting does not require a large area of land and is suitable for limited spaces such as home balconies and windowsills.

Easy to control: By adjusting the composition and concentration of the nutrient solution, the growth environment of the plant can be precisely controlled to improve yield and quality.

Basic composition of the hydroponic system

Hydroponic container: used to carry nutrient solution and plant roots, common ones are plastic boxes, glass bottles and special hydroponic pots.

Nutrient solution: contains various minerals and trace elements required for plant growth, which is the key to hydroponic planting.

Air pump and air stone: used to increase the oxygen content in the nutrient solution to ensure the normal breathing of the root system.

Support structure: used to fix the plant so that its root system can fully contact the nutrient solution.

How to carry out hydroponic planting at home?

1. Choose the right plants

Beginners can choose some easy-to-grow plants, such as lettuce, spinach, herb plants (such as mint, basil) and some ornamental plants (such as green radish, spider plant). These plants have low environmental requirements, grow fast, and are easy to succeed.

2. Prepare hydroponic equipment

Container: You can choose a transparent plastic box or glass bottle, which makes it easy to observe the growth of the plant roots.

Nutrient solution: Buy professional hydroponic nutrient solution and dilute it according to the instructions.

Air pump and air stone: Make sure there is enough oxygen in the nutrient solution to prevent the plant roots from lacking oxygen.

3. Planting process

Seedling cultivation: Place the seeds in a moist culture medium (such as sponge blocks or perlite) for seedling cultivation, maintain a suitable temperature and humidity, and transplant when the seedlings grow 2-3 true leaves.

Transplantation: Take the cultivated seedlings out of the culture medium, gently clean the soil at the roots, and then place the roots in the hydroponic container and fix the plants.

Prepare nutrient solution: Pour the prepared nutrient solution into the hydroponic container, and the liquid level should submerge about 2/3 of the roots to ensure that the roots can fully absorb nutrients.

Increase oxygen: Turn on the air pump and increase the oxygen content in the nutrient solution through the air stone to ensure the breathing of the roots.

Lighting: Place the hydroponic container in a sunny place and ensure 6-8 hours of light every day. If the light is insufficient, you can use artificial supplementary lighting.

4. Daily management

Nutrient solution replacement: Replace the nutrient solution every 1-2 weeks to prevent the nutrient solution from deteriorating and lacking oxygen.

Monitoring the nutrient solution: Check the pH value and conductivity of the nutrient solution regularly and keep it within the appropriate range (generally the pH value is between 5.5-6.5 and the conductivity is between 1.0-2.5mS/cm).

Pest and disease control: Although hydroponic plants are less susceptible to pests and diseases, they still need to be controlled. If pests are found, they can be treated with biological pesticides or physical methods.

Common problems and solutions

Blackening of the roots: It may be due to lack of oxygen in the nutrient solution or root rot. Increase the oxygen supply, clean the roots and replace the nutrient solution if necessary.

Yellowing of leaves: It may be due to unbalanced nutrition or insufficient light. Check the composition of the nutrient solution and adjust the lighting conditions.

Slow growth: It may be due to unsuitable temperature or low concentration of the nutrient solution. Maintain a suitable temperature (generally 18-25℃) and adjust the concentration of the nutrient solution.

Hydroponic cultivation is a simple, efficient and environmentally friendly way of growing plants, especially suitable for home use. By choosing the right plants, preparing the necessary equipment, following the correct steps, and performing meticulous daily management, you can easily enjoy the fun of hydroponic cultivation at home and harvest healthy and delicious vegetables and beautiful flowers. I hope this article can provide useful reference and help for your hydroponic cultivation journey.

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